At home. Mentioning Ulysses might conjure up a range of associations – important, classic, difficult, even unreadable – but “at home” isn’t likely to be one of them. Sixteen people felt anything but comfortably home on a Monday morning this past July as they awaited the start of a Toronto […]
Today in Literature
TODAY IN LITERATURE—Who Is a Twoo Pilgwim?
Ann will be off on the Camino in a couple of weeks. She is busy putting in long miles, checking her feet, gathering her gear, and rechecking her feet. Along with taking long daily walks through some of the most beautiful countryside imaginable, the group will gather over wine […]
GUEST BLOG — Why We Discuss?
I’ve spent the better part of my professional life encouraging people to talk about books, and not just any books, great books. It turns out that these great books are often times difficult books too. Occasionally I get the prickly questions: Why would a bunch of equally ignorant people even […]
ON THE ROAD WITH ANN – Dubai Slideshow 2014
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TODAY IN LITERATURE – Vanishing Worlds
“It’s in the nature of things that whole worlds disappear,” writes the poet Robert Hass in the foreword to Jimmye Hillman’s insightful memoir Hogs, Mules and Yellow Dogs: Growing Up on a Mississippi Subsistence Farm . “Their vanishings, more often than not, go unrecorded or pass into myth, just as they […]
TRAVEL PURSUITS – Why a new book for Vietnam?
Here was the headline in the book review section of the Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper that caused me to stop and take notice. “Vincent Lam’s first novel, about Vietnam, has makings of a masterpiece.” Vincent Lam is an emergency physician Toronto who also writes – very well. His […]
THE INSTALLMENT PLAN – Twice Shy, by Seamus Heaney
Twice Shy by Seamus Heaney Her scarf a la Bardot, In suede flats for the walk, She came with me one evening For air and friendly talk. We crossed the quiet river, Took the embankment walk. Traffic holding its breath, Sky a tense diaphragm: Dusk hung like a backcloth That […]